Studies in Emergency Medical Services are a path of professional development for people who want to save human and healthy lives in the event of accidents and illnesses, as well as preparation for independent performance of medical rescue activities in units of the rescue system. The aim of education in the field of Emergency Medical Services is to prepare a competent employee of emergency medical units. In accordance with the applicable Act on State Emergency Medical Services, a paramedic has obtained new rights in the hierarchy of medical professions. Currently, it is a profession that combines helping with high professional qualifications. Full-time and part-time bachelor's studies last 6 semesters. Full-time studies take place from Monday to Friday. Part-time studies take place on weekends (Saturday, Sunday).
Classes are conducted by academic teachers and lecturers - practitioners with scientific and professional competences and experience in the field of specialized rescue and medical/clinical sciences. In addition, classes developing practical skills and professional practice are held in specialized laboratories based on the infrastructure of the university and entities performing medical activities with which the university has concluded contracts or agreements in this regard, in particular in the emergency department, emergency medical teams and hospital departments in the voivodeship.
Students learn the principles of securing people at the scene of an incident and taking actions to prevent an increase in the number of victims and environmental degradation, assessing the health of people in a state of sudden health threat and undertaking medical rescue activities, transporting people in a state of sudden threat to their life, communicating with a person injured and providing her with psychological support during traffic incidents and disasters.
The student will be prepared to take the State Examination in Emergency Medical Services (PERM - Państwowy Egzamin z Ratownictwa Medycznego ).
Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych,
Komputerowych i Medycznych
ul. Bobrowiecka 9, 00-728 Warszawa
CENTRALA: 22 559 20 00
FAX: 22 559 22 60
T: 22 559 21 05
T: 22 559 21 06
T: 22 559 22 35